The Futures Contract Specifications page provides a complete look at contract specs, as provided by the exchanges. Specifications are grouped by market category. Obligation for Performance. After the close of trading in the contract, the seller of a Money Market Futures Contract. Commodity Futures Contract Specifications - View Commodity Futures Contract symbols & size, trading hours, broken down by exchange & much more on E-Futures. Contract Specs ; GED, Eurodollar (3 Month), Globex ; EY, Euroyen (3 Month), CME ; ZQ, Federal Funds (30 Day), ECBOT ; FF, Federal Funds (30 Day), CBOT. The term contract size refers to the deliverable quantity of a stock, commodity, or financial instrument that underlies a futures or options contract.
Market Specifications. Trading Screen Product Name: Canola Futures; Trading Screen Hub Name: ICUS; Contract Symbol. RS. Currency. Canadian dollars. Master futures trading with futures contract specifications: Learn the specs, terms, sizes, and more. Your guide to informed decisions. Find information for E-mini S&P Futures Contract Specs provided by CME Group. View Contract Specs. Contract Specifications · 5-year JGB Futures, year JGB Futures · Contract, Standardized 3%, 5-year JGB · Opening Date, February 16, · Deliverable Grade. A futures contract is a legal agreement to buy or sell a particular commodity asset, or security at a predetermined price at a specified time in the future. Futures, Futures Trading FAQ. Futures Contract Specs. Written by admin. Symbol, Month, Margin, Multiplier, Description, Exchange. Indices. Z. HMUZ, , For example, if gold futures are trading at $1, an ounce, one futures contract representing troy ounces would be valued at $, ($1, x Margin refers to the amount of money a trader must deposit and maintain in their trading account to cover potential future contract losses. Margin requirements. Futures contracts are an agreement to buy or sell a fixed amount of metal for delivery on a fixed future date at a price agreed today. Contract code, CA. Contract Specifications ; Name, Symbol, Exchange ; SFE SPI , AP, Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE) ; Continuous Commodity Index, CCI, ICE Futures U.S. ; Big Dow DJIA. The final settlement value for VX futures shall be a Special Opening Quotation (SOQ) of the VIX Index calculated from the sequence of opening trade prices.
Futures Contract Specifications. Open Close Open Close Open Close. Contract Size. Tick Size. Settlement. Settlement price2. Trading Hours (Exchange). Time. Zone. Each futures contract specifies is the quantity of the product delivered for a single contract, also known as contract size. For example: 5, bushels of corn. Futures Contract Specifications ; Aussie Dollar, 6A · AUD ; Brazilian Real, 6L · BRL ; British Pound, 6B · GBP ; British Pound/Japanese Yen, PJY. BTCUSD FUTURES CONTRACT PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS ; Trading End Period. Until 1-second before the time of expiry ; Contract Size. 1 BTC (1 USD per index point). Futures contract specifications are the terms and conditions that govern the way a particular futures contract is traded. Exchange-Traded Futures Contract Specifications ; Name, Symbol, MT5 Symbol, Exchange, Contract Size ; E-mini S&P , ES, EP, CME, $50 x Index Value ; E-mini. Futures Contract Specifications ; Micro AUD/USD, M6A, CME, 10K AUD, H,M,U,Z ; Micro GBP/USD, M6B, CME, 6, £, H,M,U,Z ; Micro CAD/USD, MCD, CME, 10, CAD, H,M. While the contract size of PMEX sugar contract is 10 tons, its price is quoted in Rupees per kgs. PMEX Palm Oil contract has a size of 25 tons but its price. Currencies Futures Contract Specifications ; British Pound / Euro, GB, HMUZ ; Indian Rupee, H3, FGHJKMNQUVXZ ; E-micro Indian Rupee/USD, H4, FGHJKMNQUVXZ ; Japanese.
(1) An Index Futures Contract is a futures contract on a specific stock index. (2) Futures Contracts on the following stock indeces are available for trading at. And one contract of gold futures (/GC) represents troy ounces. However, the E-mini S&P futures (/ES) represent $50 times the price of the S&P Index. Contract Specifications ; CBOT · Globex trading hours (pm CT to pm CT, Sunday to Friday) · $, for all tenors · Contracts embed the exchange of. Find futures contract specifications for nearly all major futures & commodity contracts below. Have Questions? Please contact your futures & commodities broker. Contracts specifications ; Paris, Index Futures - FTSEurofirst 80 ; Paris, Index Futures - ISEQ 20 ; Amsterdam, Index Futures - Morningstar Eurozone 50 ; Oslo.
Perpetual Futures are a type of Futures contract that have no expiration date and have an auto-rolling feature every hour. These contracts feature a funding. Market Specifications ; Contract Symbol. CT ; Contract Size. 50, pounds net weight ; Quotation. Cents and hundredths of a cent per pound ; Contract Series. March. For example assume we are talking about the futures contract for oil which is denoted as CL. The definition of the oil contract size is for barrels. Thus. Future - Future contract is delivered. Cash - Cash (financially) settled. Future to Cash - Futures contract is delivered, and immediately cash (financially).